Having a baby changes your life in all sorts of ways. So it’s understandable that you might be feeling both nervous and excited. One way to help yourself feel like you’re still on top of things is to plan ahead. By focusing on the little things that you can control, you can make yourself feel more comfortable. Here are a few things to consider to help you feel more comfortable at home and within yourself.
Staying on top of the household cleaning
As much as it would be nice to spend your pregnancy free from household chores, sadly it doesn’t work like that. And truth be told, you’ll probably find yourself spending more time cleaning as you prepare your nest for the arrival of your little one. Just be careful that you don’t overdo it. For example, mopping and vacuuming your home can place more stress on your back, so you need to take it easy.
Be wary of your household cleaning products, too. A lot of the most common cleaners you get in the supermarket actually contain a number of harmful chemicals – so always read the label. Look out for warnings aimed at pregnant women and steer clear of anything that reads, ‘toxic’. If feel you need to use certain cleaning sprays, then make sure the room you’re in is well ventilated. And always wear rubber gloves, so that you don’t end up with anything nasty on your hands.
Switch to a safe, more baby-friendly way of cleaning
One way you can make cleaning your home both easy and chemical-free is by switching to more natural cleaning methods. For example, a device like the Thane H20 HD takes simple tap water and turns it into a powerful jet of steam. This makes light work of household chores, gliding through grease and grime quickly and easily. It'll even keep your garments, upholstery and curtains fresh and clean too. Then there’s the Thane H2O e3 system. Again this uses tap water, plus the addition of salt this time, to create two powerful oxidants. Together these will not only degrease your home but will also sanitize and get rid of odours too. And all in a way that’s safe for you and your baby.
Try this simple, nutritious one-pot meal
When you’re pregnant it’s upper important that you eat well. After all, you’re eating for two, so you want to make sure you’re getting all the nutrition you and your baby need. But at the same time, you want to make life easy on yourself. With that in mind, here’s a deliciously simple one-pot meal you can get on the table in under an hour.
Sausage and pepper hotpot
What you need
A glug of olive oil
8 fat sausages
4 finely chopped bacon rashers
1 sliced onion
1 red pepper, deseeded and cut chunky
1 diced carrot
1 crushed garlic clove
1/2-pint chicken stock
400g tin chopped tomatoes
2 tbsp tomato purée
Sprinkle of dried thyme
250g thick sliced new potatoes
Green veggies to serve on the side
What you do
Heat your pan over a high heat and brown the sausages then set aside onto a plate
Throw in the bacon bits and fry until crisp then set these aside with the sausages
Fry the onion, red pepper, carrot and garlic then add the stock, tinned tomatoes tomato puree and thyme
Bring to the boil and add the potatoes, bacon and sausages
Cover with a lid and simmer over a low heat for 20 minutes or so
Remove the lid and simmer until the sauce has thickened a little
Bring your pan to the table and let everyone help themselves
Serve with some steamed greens – broccoli and peas work well – on the side
How to keep your fitness levels up without overdoing it
It’s good to stay active and fit during your pregnancy. In fact there’s some evidence that women who keep active are less likely to experience problems during labour. But there are some precautions you need to take. The key is to not overdo it. If you haven’t been exercising before your pregnancy, don’t suddenly throw yourself into a vigorous exercise regime. Always warm up before you do any exercise and remember to keep yourself well hydrated throughout.
You could also consider investing in a gentle home exercise machine. For example, the Thane Orbitrek X17 is a good choice for women who enjoy the gym but don’t feel comfortable going during their pregnancy. It looks a bit like an exercise bike and mimics the motion of 5 machines – bike, stepper, cross-trainer, treadmill and climber – all in one piece of equipment. It’s a very low impact way to staying in shape without stressing your baby out.
Likewise, the Thane Orbitrek MX is brilliant both before and after you give birth. It’s basically a mini elliptical machine which allows you to pedal while you’re sat down. So, while you’re sat in front of the TV reading, or even breastfeeding, you could be working on keeping yourself mobile and active – all without placing a great strain on your body.